Chris Kissack
Head of esports Isle of Man GovernmentChris is a lifelong gamer and esports solution specialist who is driven by a passion for problem-solving, thinking outside the box and a love for the video game industry and the esports ecosystem.
Recently taken on the role of Head of esports for the Isle of Man Government. My mission is to support the local esports ecosystem here on the Island but also raise the Islands profile as a trusted, beneficial and authentic place to do esports business.
2022 Speakers
Ben Akroyd
Simon Benson
Graham Brown
Andrew Colgan
James Dean
Nicole Du Cane
Phil Englert
John Fazio
James Fraser-Murison
Chris Grundy
Andrew Haworth
Alan Head
Sinead Hosey
Bob Hunter
John Jackson
Jonathan Lyth
Brian Mirakian
Dominic Mulroy
Chase Neukam
Martin Omes
Marina Papadopoulou
Grant Paranjape
Chris Postell
Wayne Powell
Ewan Prentice
Isobel Robins
Craig Ryan
Kieran Sanford
Jim Sephton
Adam Soan
Eric Solem
Michael Spatny
Wim Stocks
Ed Tomasi
Scott Wakelin
Jon Winkle