Isobel Robins

Research Officer Centre for Access to Football in Europe (CAFÉ)

Isobel Robins (she / her) is the Research Officer at the Centre for Access to Football in Europe (CAFE). CAFE is a UEFA Football Social Responsibility Partner that specialises in access and inclusion for disabled people at sporting events. Isobel evaluates stadium accessibility on site visits, trains venue staff on disability inclusion and etiquette, and leads research used to create guidance on topics such as inclusive matchday solutions for non-visibly disabled spectators, tackling disability hate incidents within football, and the responsible representation of disabled people in sports media.

Speaker Sessions

Wednesday 25 May

15: Keep them coming back! – Insights and ideas in fan engagement and growing community participation for in-person esports events


Martin Omes, Program Logistics Coordinator, Gamers Outreach Foundation
Sinead Hosey, Co-founder, EPIC Global
Craig Ryan, Director, Pixel Bar Leeds & Manchester
Isobel Robins, Research Officer, Centre for Access to Football in Europe (CAFÉ)

: 3:26pm UK / 10:26am EST
Craig Ryan Trev Keane